Symposium: Current Trends in Redox Biochemistry and Medicine
Symposium Redox - 2023

The Symposium: Current Trends in Redox Biochemistry and Medicine, is an open activity with prior registration. Also it will be considered mandatory for the students of the course "Radicales libres y procesos redox en biomedicina".



Dates and program

Thursday, May 25th   │  Hotel HYATT
Session Chairs: Laura Castro/Homero Rubbo

09.30 – 10.15    Opening Conference - “The Fires of Inflammation Help Shape New Multi-Target Drugs” - Dr. Bruce Freeman, United States

10.15 – 10.40    Conference - “When elevated circulating XOR levels are protective and why sex matters” - Dr. Eric Kelley, United States

10.40 – 11.10    Coffee

11.10 – 11.35    Conference - “Cracking the PDI code for cell signaling” - Dr. Francisco Laurindo, Brazil

11.35 – 12.00    Conference - “Fish oil-derived furan fatty acid: Incognito players in metabolic disorders” - Dr. Francisco Schopfer, United States

12.00 – 12.20    General discussion and final comments

12.30 – 14.00    Lunch

Session Chairs: Sebastián Carballal/Madia Trujillo

14.00 – 14.25    Conference - “Two Cys-based proteins from microorganisms at the host pathogen interface: a peroxidase (Ohr) and a transcriptional factor (OhrR)” - Dr. Luis Netto, Brazil

14.25 – 14.50    Conference - “Surprising new insights into cellular pyridine nucleotide homeostasis revealed by novel genetically encoded sensors of the NADPH/NADP+ redox couple” - Dr. Bruce Morgan, Germany

14.50 – 15.15    Conference - “Sensitive and dynamic detection of lipoperoxides in cells” - Dr. Marcelo Comini, Uruguay

15.15 – 15.40    Conference - “Actuating Heme Peroxidases as their Alter Ego Superoxidases: A Path to Biotechnological Applications” - Dr. Daniel Murgida, Argentina

15.40 – 16.10    Coffee

16.10 – 16.35    Conference - “Nitropyridine-based mitochondria-targeted redox cycling agent with antiproliferative properties” - Dr. Jacek Zielonka, United States

16.35 – 17.20     Keynote Conference - "From the lab to a clinical trial: A Phase 1, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, First in Human Study of single and multiple doses of MVD1 in healthy and obese adult volunteers" Dr. Carlos Batthyany, Uruguay

17.20 – 17.40      General discussion and final comments

Friday , May 26th  │  Hotel HYATT
Session Chairs: Silvina Bartesaghi/Lucía Piacenza

09.30 – 10.15     Keynote Conference - “Mitochondrial Supercomplexes: Organization and Dysregulation in a rat model of cerebral amyloidosis” - Dr. Laura Morelli, Argentina

10.15 – 10.40    Conference - “Underlying mechanisms of the adverse health effects caused by urban air pollution” - Dr. Pablo Evelson, Argentina

10.40 – 11.10    Coffee

11.10 – 11.35    Conference - “Adiponectin Reverses Beta-Cell Damage and Impaired Insulin Secretion Induced by Obesity” - Dr. Alicia Kowaltowski, Brazil

11.35 – 12.00    Conference - “Mitochondrial Redox Imbalance: Impact on Membrane Permeability Transition, Atherogenesis and Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease” - Dr. Anibal Vercesi, Brazil

12.00 – 12.20      General discussion and final comments

12.20 – 14.00    Lunch

Session Chairs: Ari Zeida/Adriana Cassina

14.00 – 14.25    Conference - “Multi scale modeling of biomolecules chemical reactivity” - Dr. Darío Estrín, Argentina

14.25 – 14.50    Conference - “Differential inactivation of key enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway mediated by peroxyl radicals: implications for NADPH production” - Dr. Camilo López, Chile

14.50 – 15.15    Conference - “Significance of peroxynitrite as a pathogenic species in neurodegenerative diseases” - Dr. Luis Barbeito, Uruguay

15.15 – 15.40     Coffee

15.40 – 16.05     Conference - “Mitochondrial metabolism determines the functional status of mammalian sperm” - Dr. Rossana Sapiro, Uruguay

16.05 – 16.50     Closing Conference - “Oxidant Generation and Lipid Signaling During Macrophage Activation” - Dr. Larry Marnett, United States

16.50 – 17.10     General discussion and final comments

17.10 – 17.40     Closing Remarks - Dr. Rafael Radi - Uruguay

18.00                  Cocktail

For further information, please feel free to contact us to


Registration is open, submitting the application form below. Places are limited, confirmation will be sent by May 12th.

Deadline: Tuesday May 10th, 2023

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